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Living Room Conversations on Anxiety and the Election

Have you read the headline news about the election and found your blood pressure rise and your mood change? Do you find your inner peace shaken by the stress of America’s election season? How do we set boundaries for our own mental and emotional health, as well as have meaningful conversations with others when so much weight and importance is placed on a political event? How do we create the kind of atmosphere that will help ourselves, our communities and our country?

Join the Carolina Center for Public Service and the Campus Y on Nov. 2 at 5 p.m. for a virtual Living Room Conversation on Anxiety and the Election. Register ahead of time here to join on Zoom.

Living Room Conversations offers a simple, structured way to practice communicating in small groups while building understanding and relationships. Contact Ryan Nilsen at RBNilsen@unc.edu with any questions about the event.